How Coronavirus is affecting housing
Updated: Sep 23, 2020
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak is inevitably having an effect on the housing sector. Read below about the various ways it's having an impact:
On dangerous cladding - on many sites, cladding removal works have been halted On 24 hour waking watch - In some blocks, residents are being asked to take over the role of fire wardens and carry out their own 24 hour waking watch, see On fire safety guidance - The National Fire Chiefs Council have issued new guidance for this period on fire wardens and alarm systems On Homelessness - Hotel rooms to be used as accommodation for rough sleepers, see
Southwark Council are moving homeless families into empty flats in the Ledbury Estate LPS tower blocks. These blocks fall short of the building regs on fire and structural safety and were being decanted for safety reasons. See On repairs - Housing sector bosses think it's likely that non-urgent repairs will mount up and there may be issues around compliance during this time
Though the Housing Ombudsman has commented that normal standards should apply despite the outbreak